All Care Health Center’s commitment to providing affordable, comprehensive, high quality healthcare to the entire community, includes close monitoring of all developments related to Coronavirus (COVID-19).

IF YOU HAVE COVID-19 SYMPTOMS, please call (712) 325-1990 to schedule a telehealth appointment.  

COVID-19 VACCINATION UPDATE (updated 10/30/23):

All Care follows the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  An updated COVID-19 vaccine is available.  COVID-19 Vaccine update appointments are available through the All Care Health Center Pharmacy by calling (712) 256-6583.  All Care Health Center patients are also offered the COVID-19 vaccine during their regularly scheduled appointments.


Clinic decisions to mask are guided by the current community transmission rate. Masks are available and optional for patients, at this time.

The presence of COVID-19 and its variants continue to exist in our community. To protect yourself, follow CDC guidance.

COVID-19 TESTING UPDATE (updated 1/30/24):

All Care is not currently able to offer free COVID-19 At-Home Saliva Sample Test Kits.  Patients and community members who feel they have symptoms of COVID-19, are welcome to schedule a telehealth appointment by calling (712) 325-1990.

As of November 20, 2023, every U.S. household can again place an order to receive four more free COVID-19 rapid tests delivered directly to their home.  Each order includes four individual rapid antigen COVID-19 tests. has more details about at-home tests, including extended shelf life and updated expiration dates.


If you have questions regarding COVID-19, please call the available Pottawattamie Health Department Hotline numbers 712-890-5368 or 712-890-5369. Available Monday through Friday 8:00 am–4:00 pm.

Resources outside of our core services